Friday, February 22, 2013

Who am I

As the description for this blog says, I am trying to become a better writer so that I can be unique in my chosen field of engineering. As was suggested by David Kerpen on LinkedIn, a good way to improve your writing skill is to start blogging. So if anyone is a grammar tyrant, then please feel free to point out my mistakes. Also, if you read a sentence that is poorly constructed, then tell me how I need to fix it. This is for me to get better and I want to know what I'm doing wrong. I lost my job last Friday which is what gives me the time to start this blog and hopefully I will be able to continue posting after I get a new job.

Common topics will include discussing my job search on a very basic level, my love for running marathons and my other passions. I may, also, write about random topics such as why I am leaving Facebook for Google+ and LinkedIn, my thoughts on good leadership and Columbus, Ohio hosting the Olympics. Expect that last one to happen in the next few days as both my fiancee and I really want it to happen.

To give you a little background about myself. I am a 26-year normal guy living in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio with my lovely fiancee and our two pets (one dog and one cat). I graduated from the Ohio State University in 2010 with a Bachelors of Science in Industrial Engineering. For two years after college, I worked at sterile pharmaceutical manufacturing company as a Validation Engineer. Last year, I switched jobs and started working for a consulting company that works primarily with multi-chain retail companies. Unfortunately, they did not receive as many projects as they were expecting so I was let go. It happens and is the primary reason I got an engineering degree. I am currently looking for work in Columbus and Chicago.

A hobby that I am obsessed with doing is running marathons. My senior year of high school, I joined the cross-country team to have a additional activity on my college resume. I quickly found out that I was pretty decent and fell in love with the sport. After starting at OSU, I decided that I wanted to complete a marathon. I thought it would be a one and done situation. Instead, it turned into a real passion. My current total is 14 marathons, one 50k, and nearly ten half-marathons. My best time is just under 3 hours, 5 minutes. I have also had the opportunity to run two Boston marathons. I am currently training to break three hours at the Louisville Derby Festival Marathon. Expect several articles to written about this topic.

My other hobbies include shooting pool, reading (which I need to do more of) and following the Buckeyes.

I apologize for the long windedness of this post and I will have more interesting topics in the future.

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